Impact of technology on the spread of misinformation and fake...
04.10.2022 #Blog
Misinformation and fake news have always been a problem of modern societies.
Celebrity influence on the spread of misinformation
11.09.2022 #Blog
The spread of misinformation is one of the major problems of modern societies.
The risks of micro-targeting
05.09.2022 #Blog
The spread of disinformation is one of the most relevant threats that societies face nowadays.
Anti-gypsyism in the media and its disinformation narratives
29.08.2022 #Blog
One of the manifestations of anti-gypsyism is media hostility, which is expressed in the imposition of negative narratives based on hostile Romani people’s characteristics.
04.10.2024 / #Projects
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings meeting