News / Projects
08.06.2018 / #Projects
The second event of the e-MEDIATION project was held in Stara Zagora
The second forum under the e-MEDIATION project was held in Stara Zagora, in the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
07.06.2018 / #Projects
The first INFORM Day took place in Brno, the Czech Republic, on 6th of June
The INFORM Days are aimed not only at the judiciary, the legal practitioners, and court staff, but also at the general public. The objective of these...
05.06.2018 / #Projects
CARISMAND Project Partners Gather in Bucharest for a Steering Committee Meeting
On 31 May and 1 June 2018, the CARISMAND project partners gathered in Bucharest for the fifth consecutive operational meeting of the consortium.
01.06.2018 / #Projects
The first event of the e-MEDIATION project took place in Sofia
On 31st of May in Sofia, at the premises of BCCI, took place the first event within the e-MEDIATION project, which aimed to promote online mediation.
18.05.2018 / #Projects
CARISMAND Sixth Citizen Summit in Utrecht, the Netherlands
The CARISMAND Sixth Citizen Summit took place on 12 May 2018 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
16.05.2018 / #Projects
E-PROTECT Policy Briefing - Key mid-term results presentation
On 15th May 2018, Law and Internet Foundation organised the first public event under the E-PROTECT project – the E-PROTECT Policy Briefing.
14.05.2018 / #Projects
Denitsa Kozhuharova, one of the key researchers working on E-PROTECT was a guest of Bloomberg TV, where she shed light on the mid-term results from pr...
08.05.2018 / #Projects
StopR Joint Staff Training in Celje, Slovenia
The Joint Staff Training within the StopR project took place between the 16th and 20th of April 2018 in Celje, Slovenia.
24.04.2018 / #Projects
CITYCoP partners gathered in Florence for the final Steering Committee Meeting
The CITYCoP team members gathered in Florence on the 19-20 April 2018 to discuss the results of the project activities implementation.
23.04.2018 / #Projects
On the 12th of April 2018, the E-UNITE project held its Kick-Off Meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus. During the meeting the partners discussed the project pla...
18.04.2018 / #Projects
CITYCoP Final Conference “Changing communities, Changing policing”
On the 17th and 18th of April 2018, the CITYCoP project team held the final event under the framework of the project in Florence, Italy.
15.04.2018 / #Projects
CARISMAND Fifth Citizen Summit in Lisbon, Portugal
The CARISMAND Fifth Citizen Summit took place on 14 April 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.
13.04.2018 / #Projects
The Interim meeting of the e-MEDIATION project took place
The Interim meeting of the e-MEDIATION project took place
03.04.2018 / #Projects
On the 28th of March 2018, the Blend-IN project held its Kick-Off Meeting in Athens, Greece. During the meeting the partners discussed the project...
20.03.2018 / #Projects
PRESENT project is now present in social media
Check out and join our PRESENT Community to follow the project’s progress and updates.
09.03.2018 / #Projects
The EVIDENCE2e-Codex Project was Kicked Off
The kick-off meeting of the EVIDENCE2e-Codex project took place on March 7-8, 2018 in Florence, Italy.
07.03.2018 / #Projects
Law and Internet Foundation took part in the CARISMAND Third Stakeholder Assembly
Rosaliya Kasamska, a Researcher at Law and Internet Foundation, participated in the CARISMAND Third Stakeholder Assembly that was held in Lisbon on 27...
26.02.2018 / #Projects
Blend-IN: The Newest Project for Law and Internet Foundation
21.02.2018 / #Projects
Stop Youth Radicalization (StopR) Focus Group
A focus group organised by Law and Internet Foundation was held on February 20, 2018 based on the ongoing StopR project.

02.01.2025 / #Projects
MaaSAI Project Kicks Off in Thessaloniki: A New Era of Agile Manufacturing Begins