From 25 to 27 July 2011 in Sofia, Bulgaria will be held 2nd International Multi-Conference on Innovation Developments in ICT.

INNOV is a Multi-Conference composed of four concurrent conferences: ICEHST, ICGREEN, ICITIE and ICTEL. These four conferences are always co-located and held in parallel.

Internatioanl conference on e-Health Services and Technologies (ICEHST 2011) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners whose work has impact on the development of actual healthcare technologies. Such technologies relate to advanced IT solutions and could facilitate activities of great societal relevance.ICEHST 2011 main focus is on e-Health services and their related technologies, with a particular stress on the modeling of complex e-Health technology-driven service-provisioning systems. The target of ICEHST is to address the fundamental modeling challenges related to e-Health services. In approaching such services though, we are mainly concerned with Tele-Monitoring and Tele-Treatment, as two essential directions of supporting healthcare through advanced technology.

The International Conference on Green Computing (ICGREEN 2011) focuses on the role of computing, or information technology, to accomplish more eco-responsible behavior of people. The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in both computing and the possible impact of computing on the environment, and who are committed to work on the development of eco-effective technologies and technology applications.

The International Conference on IT-enabled Innovation in Enterprise (ICITIE) intend to complement the mostly behavioural and technology centered discussion on innovation. The aim of the conference is to examine how information technology enables and generates innovation and thus provides value to enterprises.
Inspired by a myriad of emerging networks linking people, institutions and companies, the International Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ICTEL 2011) focuses on innovative concepts of learning and networking both in the corporate and the regular education sector.

ICTEL 2011 would therefore welcome those who are inspired about new ICT enabled learning concepts, new collaborative environments, and knowledge transfer from academia to the corporate sector. These issues will be an important theme in the years ahead because of the need for life long learning arrangements for all, whatever the level, wherever the phase of professional development. From a technology perspective these developments demand new platforms and tools, and attendees who are working in this field will meet in this conference an interdisciplinary audience of peers, educationalists, HR managers and policy makers.

For more information and registration please please visit the following web address: