Period: November 2005 – November 2006
Status: Finished
Contacts: George Dimitrov


The project’s purpose is to improve the cooperation between the state, the local administration and the citizens through the active use of information technologies in the administrative services. It aims establishing the conditions for development and using of the e-Government services and accomplishing more intensive electronic relations between the citizens and the administration than paper document flow. The project implementation is related to achieving several specific tasks such as: contribution to building a well informed society, actively using the information technology tools in its dayly contacts with the state administration; increasing the use of e-Government services in Bulgaria; compound monitoring for implementing the Strategy for Electronic Government and the Action Plan for its implementation; analysis of existing problems which the e-government development in Bulgaria is facing and preparation of specific recommendations for their overcoming.

The project includes 2 trainings of lawyers, representatives of the state administration and the private sector, etc. on issues, related to electronic governance; preparation of analysis on using of electronic documents and electronic signatures in the communication with the public administration; elaboration of a report “Analysis of the Bulgarian e-Government situation. Main problems and boundaries on its dynamic development” and guidelines for electronic exchange of state administration documents and the types of documents that can be exchanged.

The project is realized with the financial support of Balkan Trust for Democracy.