On 4 and 5 of March, 2014 in Brussels the final conference of the project SMART – “Smarter Law For Smart Surveillance”, shall be held. The conference will bring together experts from different fields and perspectives (policy makers, law enforcement, academia and citizen groups) to share experience and knowledge as well as to discuss risks and opportunities that are posed by smart surveillance. ”Smarter Law for Smart Surveillance” conference will include invited speakers, the research outcomes of the SMART Project as well as peer-reviewed studies received in response to Call for Papers.

The conference seeks papers from across disciplines on smart surveillance but particularly on the following themes: governance issues of big data; smart surveillance in law enforcement; right to be forgotten and right to erasure; surveillance and cybersecurity; living under surveillance (psychology, sociology); economics of surveillance; cross-border issues in smart surveillance; and democracy and surveillance. Authors wishing to submit their contributions should submit an extended abstract by 31 January 2014.

All detailed information about the Conference, the registraion process and the online submission of papers, can be accessed at the following address: http://conference.smartsurveillance.eu