Connected Government
Subtitle: Thought Leaders. Essays from innovators
Author: Edited by Willi Kaczorowski
Year of publish: 2004
Publisher: Premium Publishing
ISBN: 0-9546445-8-1
Size: 152 pages
Format: A5
The book consist 14 essays from national governments, which are divided into three sections. The first section sets out the e-government strategies of those countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the USA and South Korea that most observers agree are at the forefront of e-government initiative. We label them "pioneers". The second section deals with significant issues relating to e-government strategy in those countries which, for the purposes of most international-ranking criteria, take up the middle ground. Countries such as Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands or Portugal have made significant progress in conducting national e-government strategies. For the purpose of this book we call them "modernisers". Finally, we look at countries which economists regard as being industrial developing countries and which have achieved - or whose objective it is to achieve - a considerable improvement in their international competitive position. This group, consisting of countries such as Bahrain, Estonia, Mexico and Brazil, we label "rising stars".
Available only in English.