Digital Entrepreneurship for Employability Paths (DEEP) is a 24-month project aimed at VET students and recent graduates, VET teachers, VET schools/institutions, companies, SMEs and social partners.
The project is designed to improve professional success chances of VET students with different backgrounds by developing not only their entrepreneurship skills (or knowledge), but also their digital skills. One of the elements of innovation of DEEP project is that those skills will not be treated separately as traditionally are foreseen by national curricula, but in an integrative, interdisciplinary manner. On the other hand, it provides VET teachers/trainers/mentors with the necessary tools and knowledge to help their students effectively acquire those skills. DEEP proposes an integrated approach, possible through the cooperation of partners active in multiple sectors.
The project activities are centered around the following: 1. set on entrepreneurship as a key skill in VET; 2. identify EU best practices that require the participation of an international partnership; 3. provide VET teachers/trainers/mentors with the necessary tools and knowledge to help their students effectively acquire those skills.
DEEP project involves a Consortium of 7 Partners from 6 countries, i.e. Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The coordinator of the project Centrum Analiz Spoleczno-Ekonomicznychfundacja Naukowa– CASE (Poland) will implement the project together with Customized Training Solutions SP. Z O.O. – CTS (Poland), Mindshift Talent Advisory lda (Portugal), IDP SAS Di Giancarlo Costantino (Italian Development Partners) – IDP (Italy), Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires – IHF (Belgium), Internet Web Solutions SL – IWS (Spain) and Law and Internet Foundation – LIF (Bulgaria).
The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 203: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

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