Serious and organised crime is an increasingly dynamic and complex phenomenon that requires robust, intelligence-led response by EU law enforcement.

To tackle this challenge, the COPKIT project is developing a toolkit which will enable Law Enforcement Agencies to act earlier thanks to better knowledge and intelligence.

As EUROPOL once mentioned in a Tweet, “cooperation is essential when fighting terrorism, cybercrime and other serious and organised forms of crime. Crime is global and we are stronger together”. COPKIT has therefore been reaching out to other EU projects that have a focus on Law Enforcement Agencies to benefit from their results and explore synergies and opportunities for collaboration.

In particular, the consortium is preparing the terms for a substantive collaboration with two sister projects, TITANIUM and ASGARD, and evaluating opportunities for cross-exploitation of results.

Collaboration with TITANIUM

The TITANIUM project supports law enforcement agencies when investigating crimes perpetrated through the use of virtual currencies and/or the darknet.

Both projects have agreed to work together to examine possibilities for the cross-exploitation of each other’s technological components and results. The cooperation is based on the fact that both initiatives have a common field of application (fighting organised crime and terrorism) and area of research (information and knowledge management and analysis as well as intelligence generation). As a result, both projects’ research, technology development, and communication activities could mutually benefit from this cooperation and make a difference in the tough fight against organised crime and terrorism.

Collaboration with ASGARD

ASGARD aims to increase Law Enforcement Agencies’ technological autonomy by building a sustainable, long-lasting community for Law Enforcement Agencies, and the research and development industry. This community will create, maintain and evolve a toolset for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of Big Data including cyber-offenses data for forensic investigation.

COPKIT has been invited to be part of ASGARD’s Stakeholder Advisory Group, which fulfills the role of a multi-stakeholder platform to exchange information and visions related to the ASGARD technologies, participate in hackathons, trials and meetings, contribute to development efforts by providing inputs and feedback to ASGARD researchers, and benefit from training and certification programmes. Further, discussions are on-going regarding technical synergies between the 2 projects.

Other opportunities for collaboration

COPKIT is delighted to have been invited to participate in the Mediterranean Security Event, which is organised by our partner KEMEA and will take place in Fodele, Crete (Greece) on 29-31 October 2019.

This event is a joint initiative of more than twenty EU funded R&D projects, whose ultimate goal is to bring together all the strategic players of security and civil protection in the EU, encourage interaction, synergy and collaboration among stakeholders and foster the development of solutions that can be implemented across Europe and beyond. As such, COPKIT will have the opportunity to present their solutions to Law Enforcement Agencies, security experts, scientists, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers.

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