/ Resources / Reports
This report is deliverable D2.1 of Work Package 2 (WP2) "Comparative Analysis of Data" of the INNOCENT project "Improving the application of the presumption of iNNOCENce when applying elecTronic evidence" funded by the European Commission under the JUST Programme. The study aims to examine what has already been established about the impact of electronic evidence on the presumption of innocence and what areas need further examination or amendments, and during further project works, how this can be turned into know-how for practitioners.
This document presents an overview of existing practices and knowledge and recognises the areas of previous research that should be expanded and examined. This will help to:
a) set the scene for the project and identify the fields to be expanded and further
b) outline questions to be included in the template under the further task such as cocreation meetings,
c) avoid double work and double funding.