Legal regime of digital transformation
Author: Prof. Dr. George Georgiev Dimitrov
Publisher: Law and Internet Foundation
ISBN: 978-619-7192-18-6
Price: 30.00 BGN
Electronic identification
Electronic documents
Electronic authentication services
This book is intended to answer the question whether the most important prerequisite for undergoing digital transformation is in place - an adequate legal framework to guarantee the rights and interests of subjects when communicating in the electronic environment. If such a framework is in place, what are the main legal instruments for digital transformation and what are the legal safeguards when using information technology instead of the familiar established mechanisms for regulated communication through physical presence and in writing.
Thus, firstly, the mode of electronic identification for remote identification and identification of individuals is investigated. Without an adequate tool for lawful identification of subjects, they will not be able to exercise rights in administrative and procedural relations at all, nor will regulated businesses requiring identification of persons be able to function.
Secondly, the electronic document is analysed as an analogue of the main instrument in the written world for secure regulated creation, change and extinction of rights and obligations - the written document. All its elements that create legal certainty are studied from a legal point of view, so that in relations where written documents are required, the same effects are fully achieved by electronic ones.
Thirdly, electronic authentication services and related electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic time certificates, registered e-mail, electronic validation, electronic storage and authentication of websites needed for digital transformation are analyzed. They all create legal certainty in solving problems that are solved in the written world with written documents.
The work is essentially a handbook for digital transformation, because it provides public authorities and private companies with practical guidance on how to legally transform their business processes from paper to electronic, including in terms of optimising, simplifying and reducing the costs associated with paper-based workflows.
The analysis and conclusions drawn in this work can be used by all legal practitioners - judges, prosecutors, investigators, investigating police officers, lawyers and legal advisors in the process of law enforcement, insofar as it presents a systematic analysis of the regulation of public relations related to electronic identification and electronic certification services.