EMPLOY (mEntoring prograMme for young People at risk for Labour fOrce entrY) is an 18-month project aimed at young people with fewer opportunities, NEETS, economically disadvantaged people, young migrants.
The partner consortium of EMPLOY project proposal brings together 2 universities, a career guidance centre, a research centre, and 2 youth organisations in a concerted effort to develop a suitable mentoring mechanism for young people at risk, so that they can find advice, mentoring and peer learning with the aim to integrate into the labour market and reach successful professional realisation. The EMPLOY project will boost empowerment of young people who come from risk environments, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills that will help them achieve their professional endeavours.
The other project target group engaged in supporting integration of young people at risk into the labour market are youth workers in partner organisations and in general. The EMPLOY project will provide them with training materials, as well as tools enabling the mentoring process.
EMPLOY project is coordinated by Higher Institute of Insurance and Finance (Bulgaria) and will be implemented together with EMINA Pályaorientációs Alapítvány (Hungary), CELJSKI MLADINSKI CENTER, JAVNI ZAVOD ZA MLADINSKO KULTURO, IZOBRAZEVANJE, INFORMIRANJE IN SPORT (Slovenian), TDM 2000 (Italy), Law and Internet Foundation (Bulgaria) and Yasar University (Turkey).
The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships for youth.
As a partner, Law and Internet Foundation is responsible for creating the Mentoring e-Hub, and will organize the first Multiplier Event of the project - EMPLOY Info Day: Presentation of EMPLOY Mentoring e-Hub.

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