The Joint Staff Training within the MYNNOVA project took place between 28th September and 04th October 2017 in Celje, Slovenia.
The training targeted 5 youth workers from the partner organisations that would be capable of conducting online mentoring and training using the Euromentor platform. In a broader perspective and additional added value, the Joint Staff Training fostered the cooperation between the partner organisations and also raised the participants’ intercultural communication competences. The mobility activity offered direct peer to peer learning opportunities, which contributed to raising the overall quality level of the mentoring services offered in the field of social entrepreneurship via the Euromentor platform.
Law and Internet Foundation was represented by Rosaliya Kasamska - Researcher in the MYNNOVA project. She presented the current stage of the Euromentor platform implementation. During the training Ms. Kasamska also led two workshops. The first one was dedicated to trying all features of the platform, and the second one was aimed at specification of mentoring provisions for young social innovators.