On 4th September 2017, the StopR project held its Kick-off Meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic. During the meeting the partners discussed the project plan and schedule, as well as the outlined dissemination and evaluation strategies and criteria.

The project “Stop Youth Radicalization” (StopR) aims to develop a transnational quality mark (Q-mark specifications) to be granted to the best methods in preventing radicalization. It will establish a web-based platform (Q-mark platform), through which youth organisations will have the opportunity to submit descriptions of their non-formal learning methods in that area, pass through an online evaluation and if matching the announced quality criteria, receive a quality mark, which will distinguish them across youth workers’ professional communities, national and local authorities, training certification bodies and various funding agencies and donors.

The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic partnership for youth. Bulgaria is in partnership with 4 other partners from 4 different countries – Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, and Czech Republic.