Mentoring platforms and services are the tools to support future generations of social innovators and young entrepreneurs to pursue their ideas in a long-term and sustainable perspective.
The Policy Guidelines and the accompanied documents, MYNNOVA Gap Analysis and Competences Framework, bring together a collection of information and data regarding the status of social entrepreneurship and social innovation in five partner countries and across Europe, a selection of existent good practices, the most relevant polices both at a national level and on the overall EU landscape and, also, a series of recommendations matched to current developments on national levels in the field.
Improving the access of young people to the educational programs, training, and assistance and, also, the access of mentors with different backgrounds to young people developing businesses and career paths, are part of the recommendations of the paper released by the MYNNOVA project.
The MYNNOVA project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic partnership for youth. Bulgaria is in partnership with 4 other partners from 4 different countries – Romania, Slovenia, Germany and Cyprus.