On the 9th of July the Final Meeting of the Blend-IN project was held in Athens, Greece. The meeting allowed the 6 project partners to discuss the overall progress on the project plan, the finished tasks, the final intellectual outputs, in particular the Blend-IN Simulation Platform and Simulation Game, as well as the configured dissemination and evaluation work and the strategies for sustainability of the project.
At the meeting Law and Internet Foundation was represented by Rosaliya Kasamska and Nadya Koycheva.
The project Blend-IN (Intercultural Management and Communication for Youth Organisations) brings together 6 organisations with the purpose of obtaining knowledge and practical experience related to inter-cultural communication and management in a different, dynamic format. The Simulation Platform and the Simulation Game aim to immerse the youth workers in realistic situations and to provide them with the correct solutions. Moreover, both the Platform and the Game shall create an interactive environment, which stimulates the intercultural communication and management case studies, related to initiatives with a more integrated approach towards youth work and international activities.
The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic partnership for youth.