On 21 and 22 of March, 2013 in Malta the final conference of the project CONSENT – “Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future” shall be held. The conference will bring together experts from different perspectives (policy makers, academia, industry and citizen groups) to share experience and knowledge as well as to discuss risks and opportunities inherent to the growth of social networks and user-generated content services (SNS/UGC) on the Internet. ”Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future” conference will include invited speakers, reports of the research covered in the CONSENT Project as well as peer-reviewed studies received in response to Call for Papers. Authors wishing to submit their contributions should submit an extended abstract.
The deadline for submitting asbtracts for the final CONSENT Conference has been extended until 14th December 2012.
All detailed information about the Conference, the themes for the papers and the online submission, can be accessed at the following address: www.onlineprivacyconference.eu.