Conducting a throughout assessment of the level of approximation of the national legislations of the Western Balkans region with EU eIDAS regulation and interoperability readiness of the region
Projects / Completed
Acronym: eIDAS
Status: Finished
Contacts: Daniela Ilieva
The project “Conducting a throughout assessment of the level of approximation of the national legislation with EU eIDAS regulation and interoperability readiness in the region of Western Balkans” has several aims:
- Draft elaboration of the analysis of the existing agreements on the recognition of trust services, including the indicators to be used for the assessment of interoperability readiness in the Western Balkans region.
- Drafting of reports encompassing the level of approximation of the national legislation, both primary and secondary, with eIDAS and key recommendations on any additional legislative harmonization needs, list of trust services as well as a list of Certified/Qualified Trust Service Providers, etc.
- Analysis of the existing agreements on the recognition of trust services; provision of recommendations and proposals on concrete actions on what should be done; assessment of interoperability readiness in the Western Balkans region;
The implementation of this project is funded by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat.