On 18 February the COPKIT partners met in Brussels to review the results obtained in the first 18 months of the project.

The meeting took place at the Research Executive Agency’s (REA) premises and involved an overview of the work carried out within each of the project’s work packages, with a particular focus on the specific objectives and tasks, the obtained results and the plans for the next reporting period.

The COPKIT partners were joined by the REA Project Officer and three external reviewers with expertise in the fields of computer science, law enforcement, and law and ethics.

The reviewers listened to the presentations and provided their feedback on the different aspects of the project, including some insights and suggestions for improving the COPKIT tools.

The meeting was also attended by DG HOME’s Unit “Innovation and Industry for Security” policy officer who stressed the importance of involving end users in the development of new technologies for Law Enforcement Agencies and appreciated the strong involvement of Law Enforcement partners in the activities of the COPKIT project. Combined with the leading role of Europol in the COPKIT End User advisory board, she considered that COPKIT is in a very good position to provide innovative contribution to the Fighting Crime and Terrorism (FCT) research topic.

The DG HOME policy officer had previously invited COPKIT to participate in a number of events for H2020 security projects, including the Community of Users (CoU) workshops which took place in Brussels in March and September 2019, and the Workshop on Research Data in FCT in Brussels last January. She warmly renewed the invitation the next Community of Users (CoU) workshop, thereby acknowledging the contribution of the COPKIT project to the community of Security research through the initiative of DG-HOME.

For more information and updates follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and feel free to contact our team at copkit@copkit.eu.

More information here: https://copkit.eu/copkit-partners-meet-in-brussels...