E-PROTECT - Final Evaluation Report (D1.10)
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The Final external evaluation report is a key element of implementing the objectives set in the EPROTECT evaluation strategy, adopted in the first months following project launch.
External evaluation has aimed to answer the questions on the achieved results and the key project implementation processes such as:
1. Whether and to what extent does the project achieve the desired outcomes?
2. What is the value of the outcomes for the key stakeholders and target groups?
3. How well does the project implementation match the needs of the relevant groups?
4. How effective are the governance and management of the project?
5. Is there a need to fine-tune or redesign the project implementation plan or schedule?
This project is funded by the EU.
The interim evaluation report focused more on analysis of questions – 1, 4 and 5, which focus more on internal and development processes. The current final evaluation exercise reviews the progress achievement with regard to the highlighted questions, extending the focus to issues related with target groups’ satisfaction, quality of outputs, impact and sustainability.