Our team was honored to participate at the XII International Scientific Conference HEMUS 2024 “Scientific research, innovation and industrial cooperation – a paradigm for adequate defence” in the beautiful city of Plovdiv.

The conference is part of the biggest Bulgarian International Defence and Security Exhibition, with 29 years of history, taking place from 5th until the 8th of June, 2024. Serving as a meeting point for government officials, public authorities, renowned national and international experts, academics, as well as state and military high rank officials, the International Scientific Conference guarantees insight to the latest developments, research results and knowledge.

Our small delegation in the face of the Executive Director – Prof. Dr. Daniela Ilieva, and legal experts Martina Bogdanova and Kristina Isakzay, presented not only Law and Internet Foundation research activities and expert work, but had the chance to also disseminate the activities and results of several projects – ALLIES, TESSERA, RELEASE, ACTING and TESTUDO. Many questions were asked, many answers were given, and discussions risen.

We thank the organizers for the opportunity provided and congratulate them on the successful event.