Law and Internet Foundation starts "Strengthening the Capacity of the Bulgarian Judiciary in the Enforcement of EC Competition Rules” Project that has received funding from the European Commission‘s Specific Program Civil Justice (2007-2013).

The Project objective is to assist the Bulgarian national judges in the enforcement of EC Competition Law by contributing to the coherent practice for the enforcement of Article 101 of the EC Treaty (Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices), Article 102 of the EC Treaty (Abuse of Dominant Position) and Regulation 1/2003.

The project includes three specialized seminars for total of 70 judges: a theoretically oriented seminar for introduction to EU Law, Article 101 of the EC Treaty (Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices), Article 102 EC (Abuse of Dominant Position), Regulation 1/2003 and Private Enforcement; and two practically oriented training seminars that will focus on case studies on the enforcement of competition policy in the information technologies and the telecommunications sectors and in the field of the intellectual property.

You can find more information on the Project and the events on: