Оn the 25th of January, at the initiative of the Commission for Personal Data Protection, a meeting with representatives of non-governmental organisations - Law and Internet Foundation and Access to Information Programme and was held. Law and Internet Foundation was presented by the Chairman, Dr. Georgi Dimitrov, and the Senior expert, Desislava Krusteva and Access to Information Programme was presented by the Executive director, Dr. Gergana Juleva and Fany Davidova. The Chairperson of the Commission, Veneta Shopova thanked the representatives of the non-governmental sector for the presence and focused on the high appreciation of the Commission for the non-governmental organisations for being a key factor and a major partner in the activities that ensure some of the basic human rights - the right to privacy and the right to protection of personal data. The basic directions and tools for the future cooperation between the Commission and the non-governmental sector were identified – such as regular meetings on issues of mutual interest and competence, sharing information and best practices, exchange of opinions on cases from the competence of both parties.
Specific proposals for future initiatives were made as the common objective of the Commission and the non-governmental organisations was highlighted - improvement of citizens' awareness of their fundamental rights and the protection thereof.
More information on the meeting you can find here.