This week (19 - 24th Sept 2022) our team hosted a mobility under the Sardegnagol project, dedicated to promoting youth policies through information and social research. Participants from Bulgaria, Italy and Lithuania have represented youth community in general and took part in multiple interesting activities. For instance, group work for planning and carrying out social research, draft article for disinformation and youth policies, planning lobbying activities, formulate an issue, carry out research and draft an action plan. The main topics, which have been covered includes: effective communication; basics for carrying out social research; data collection and processing; how to work with content management system; basics of lobbying; media literacy and how to fight disinformation and fake news. Participants engaged in heated discussions and had an opportunity to exchange good practices and their point of view on the abovementioned topics.

One of the main conclusions reached is that a lot have been done already when it comes to combat disinformation and its relation to the youth. However, much more is needed to have sustainable, long-term solutions to strengthen the links between policy, research and practice and increase the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work, especially in the realm of identifying fake news and disinformation by active listening, critical thinking and assessing your sources (e.g., have more than two).

The project is implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ programme (Key Action 2: Small-scale partnerships in youth) of the European Commission.