On the Bulgarian News Agency press conference the project “Renewed Information Systems for a Better Service. Electronic Justice Legislative Framework” of Supreme Judicial Council’s in relation to OPAC’s programme was presented. Objectives of the project is to optimize the existing information systems in the judicial system in order to facilitate the access of citizens to information.
Among objectives of the project are the following:
• Updating the information systems of the judicial records in accordance with the new legislative framework, enacted in March, 2008
• Ensuring compatibility between the information systems
• Automating the process of managing trials
• Utilization of the electronic document and the electronic signature
In the conference took part Ivan Dimov, member of the Supreme Judicial Council and chairman of the Permanent Committee of the Council, as well as representatives of the seven companies that have won public orders:
• “Latona”, “Information Services PLC”, “Simens” and “Dekstro Group” – development and support of the information systems• “Norma” – creator of the central web-based interface intended for publication of judicial acts
• “Consortium SA Consulting” – responsible for the development of the first specialized software for monitoring and control of the officials’ work
• Law and Internet Foundation – development of the legislative framework for implementing the electronic document and electronic signature in the judicial system
The project is financed by the European Social Fund and by the state budget and will continue one year. This is the first project that is won by the Supreme Judicial Council for Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity”.