Law and Internet Foundation was in Brussels on November 13th, hosted by Belgian partner IHF, for the Kick Off Meeting of DEEP – Digital Entrepreneurship for Employability Paths – a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission which involves a Consortium of 7 Partners from 6 countries, i.e. Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Due to its integrated approach and full partners’ cooperation, DEEP aims at improving professional success chances of VET students with different backgrounds by developing not only their entrepreneurship skills (or knowledge), but also their digital skills. One of the elements of innovation of DEEP project is that those skills will not be treated separately but in an interdisciplinary manner. Consequently, VET teachers/trainers/mentors will be provided with the necessary tools and knowledge to help their students effectively acquire those skills.

At the meeting, Polish Partner CASE and IHF started off by giving a project overview, followed by Partners’ introduction. Mapping and stock taking of Digital Entrepreneurship dynamics were discussed as well as E-learning training material for Students, the future OER platform available in 6 languages plus Dissemination and Visibility via future Multiplier Events.

At the kick-off meeting, Law and Internet Foundation was represented by Mrs. Nadya Koycheva, Expert in the Strategic Development Department.

The main focus of the first transnational meeting was on going through the Project management plan and discussing not only administrative aspects, budget and reporting, but also the intellectual outputs, dissemination activities and quality assurance aspects.

The partners agreed on a common strategy for the project implementation, adjusted milestones and distributed tasks among all of them. A wrap-up session followed aimed at agreeing on the next steps and main action points.

The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 203: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

For further information on DEEP and other Law and Internet Foundation initiatives:




