Despite the unpleasant circumstances, which developed in the last two months, all partners from the EMPLOY Consortium work diligently from home on the realisation of the project’s outputs and the mentoring e-Hub.
One of the main tools on which the partners are working is the EMPLOY Platform which will give the chance of matching mentors and mentees for educational programmes on different topics related to employability. If you would like to become a mentor, get in touch with us and we will provide you with all the necessary information and updates as we progress with our work!
The project EMPLOY (mEntoring prograMme for young People at risk for Labour fOrce entrY) is financed under the European Commissions’ Erasmus+ Programme, within Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships for youth. Additionally, the project involves 6 partners from 5 different countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Turkey).