On the 11th December Law and Internet Foundation was in Budapest for the kick-off meeting of the project EMPLOY - mEntoring prograMme for young People at risk for Labour fOrce entrY. The meeting was hosted by EMINA - Career Guidance Foundation. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission and involves a international consortium of six partners. Leading partner is VUZF.

Youth unemployment has lifelong effects on income and employment stability, that's why the project aims at improving the awareness on the issues faced by young people at risk. Among the outputs of the project is a mentoring e-Hub that is going to improve employability skills in a wide and diverse form. In the scope of the project the partners are going to elaborate also Skills and Competences Handbook and a Policy Toolkit.

Soon you will be able to read more about the projects objectives and partners on the project platform.