Last week the experts of Law and Internet Foundation conducted online the “Test and Validation Phase” of the training materials which were developed under the DEEP project.
The training materials (the Bulgarian versions) were tested with the 8th graders from the Vocational school for computer programming and innovation (CPI) in Burgas, Bulgaria who study Entrepreneurship. After considering it with the school’s staff and teachers, the test and validation phase was conducted during the Entrepreneurship classes of the students.
The team of Law and Internet Foundation tested the materials with four classes in general. Considering the fact that LIF had to pilot two courses – “Digital Communication” and “Competencies and Skills for Entrepreneurship in Digital Environment”, each one of them was tested with two classes.
The aim of DEEP is to improve professional success chances of VET students with different backgrounds by developing not only their entrepreneurship skills (or knowledge), but also their digital skills. One of the elements of innovation of DEEP project is that those skills will not be treated separately as traditionally are foreseen by national curricula, but in an integrative, interdisciplinary manner.
The project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 203: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.