Law and Internet Foundation took part in the second transnational meeting on the DEEP (“Digital Entrepreneurship for Employability Paths”) project on the 27th of May 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the event, which was originally planned to take place in Pescara (Italy), has been held online. During the meeting, the members of the Consortium discussed the mapping and stock taking of Digital Entrepreneurship dynamics that will be included in the final report of the project. Furthermore, the activities which are going to be carried out in the upcoming months were scheduled. In particular, the forthcoming work is focused on the development of training content and tools that will be gathered in the DEEP Toolkit. The training resources will also be uploaded on the DEEP platform ( ) and will be available for free even after the completion of the project.

The DEEP project is implemented under the framework of the European Commissions’ Programme Erasmus+, within Key Action 203: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Action: Strategic partnership for professional education and training.