News / Projects
23.06.2015 / #Projects
CITYCoP Kick-off Meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands
On 22-23 June 2015, the CITYCoP project held its Kick-Off Meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands.
01.06.2015 / #Projects
The 2nd MAPPING Newsletter has been published!
Check out the 2nd MAPPING Newsletter.
18.05.2015 / #Projects
MAPPING to Discuss Internet Governance in Bulgaria
In June 4 - 5, 2015, MAPPING project partners will participate in multi-stakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues at two inter-related...
01.05.2015 / #Projects
Roundtable on Electronic Evidence at EuroJust, 11 - 12 May 2015
Join the roundtable organised by the EVIDENCE consortium to share your knowledge, your opinion and to help brainstorming on how new technologies could...
01.04.2015 / #Projects
Two-days Expert Meeting with Italian LEA and Judicial Authorities
Within the activities of the EVIDENCE project we have organized a special meeting in Florence for the benefit of the WP4 ‘Technical Issues’ research.
22.03.2015 / #Projects
MAPPING Round Table: Open Innovation in the Proprietary World
On March 19, 2015, the Round Table on Open Innovation in the Proprietary World was held by the MAPPING consortium in Geneva.
15.02.2015 / #Projects
MAPPING Round Table: Privacy, Personality and Business models
The first event of the MAPPING Roundtables series was organised by the Institute for Legal Informatics of the Leibniz University in Hannover (IRI LUH)...
11.02.2015 / #Projects
EVIDENCE Steering Committee Meeting
On the 9th and 10th of February 2015, a full two-days Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the Institute of Legal Informatics in Hannover, Germany...
15.12.2014 / #Projects
MAPPING Policy Observatory launched
MAPPING Policy Observatory has been launched earlier this week.
05.12.2014 / #Projects
INTERPOL hosted a meeting of an international expert group on Electronic Evidence from 02 to 03 December 2014 at the INTERPOL General Secretariat, Lyo...
04.11.2014 / #Projects
MAPPING Special Edition Newsletter has been published!
Check out the MAPPING Special Edition Newsletter.
21.10.2014 / #Projects
The 1st MAPPING Newsletter has been published!
Check out the 1st MAPPING Newsletter.
13.10.2014 / #Projects
Experts’ Discussions on the Semantic Structure of Electronic Evidence
EVIDENCE Workshop on Categorization ‘Semantic Structure of Electronic Evidence’ was organized as a two-day non-residential event and took place in Gir...
13.10.2014 / #Projects
EVIDENCE Interim Steering Committee Meeting
On the 10th of October 2014 in Girona, Spain, an Interim Steering Committee Meeting was held following the project progress over the first six months...
03.10.2014 / #Projects
e-Justice and e-Law Conference
The e-Justice and e-Law Conference in Rome aimed at disseminating European projects and results dealing with e-Justice, as well as discussing further...
29.09.2014 / #Projects
Within the implementation of WP2 ‘Overview and Categorization of Electronic Evidence’, the EVIDENCE team carried out a classification of relevant conc...
29.09.2014 / #Projects
Workshop on Categorization - Save the Date!
The registration for the EVIDENCE Workshop on Categorization, 08 - 09 October 2014, Girona, Spain, is now open.
25.08.2014 / #Projects
MAPPING at the IGF in Istanbul
Roundtable discussion: Alternative Routes Protecting Human Rights on the Internet.
24.06.2014 / #Projects
The Commission for Personal Data Protection presented the results of a European project „Encouraging the Professional Development of Employees CPDP by...
16.06.2014 / #Projects
MAPPING at the WSIS+10 High-Level Event
The MAPPING project was introduced to the participants of the international World Summit on the Information Society +10 High-Level Event (WSIS+10), an...

02.01.2025 / #Projects
MaaSAI Project Kicks Off in Thessaloniki: A New Era of Agile Manufacturing Begins