A Final Conference within the PRESENT project was held in Porto, Portugal on November 14th. The Conference was attended by all the partners of the consortium, as well as by number of international guests, including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, scientific researchers and other legal experts in the field of criminal procedure.
The Conference was opened by Associate Professor Daniela Ilieva, Executive Director of Law and Internet Foundation, who presented the achieved objectives and the overall results within the PRESENT project. PRESENT project is coordinated by Law and Internet Foundation, as it focuses on the right to be present at the trial against you, as well as the right of convicted persons to a new trial enshrined in Article 8 and 9 of Directive (EU) 2016/343.
Experts of all 6 partners of the Consortium took part in the first panel named “The Right to be Present in the Partner Member-States”, as on behalf of LIF team Denitsa Kozhuharova, Head of Human Rights Department, presented the report regarding the Bulgarian legislation in the field. The second panel was focused on 3 topics – “The right to be present and ICT support”, “Effective Jurisdictional Protection” and “The Directive in the EU context”. The third panel included comparison of the mechanisms and the guarantees of the right to be present in the civil, criminal and criminal administrative procedures, as well as discussion on regarding the Hungarian petty offences procedures and the Romanian legislation in the context of the right to be present in criminal proceedings. The Final Conference concluded with a comparative analysis of the legislation of the partner countries on the right to a fair trial and the right to a new trial.
The project is implemented with the support of the JUSTICE Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement № 760482.