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05.12.2012 / #Invitations

Call for Papers –"Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future": Deadline Extended!

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the final CONSENT Conference has been extended until 14th December 2012.

24.10.2012 / #Expert activities

Second South East European Regional Forum on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

Desislava Krusteva, attorney at law and senior expert with Law and Internet Foundation participated in the Second South East European Regional Forum o...

17.10.2012 / #Invitations

Call for Papers - Final Conference "Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future" of the CONSENT Project

On 21 and 22 of March, 2013 in Malta the final conference of the project CONSENT – “Online Privacy: Consenting to your Future” shall be held

11.10.2012 / #Invitations

Е-education National Conference – 8th Edition

On 13 November 2012 in Sheraton hotel, Sofia the 8th edition of the Е-education National Conference shall be held

10.09.2012 / #Invitations

Programme of the First Policy Workshop "Surveilling Surveillance" of the SMART Project

On the 25 and 26 September 2012 in the city of Florence, Italy the first policy workshop of the project SMART - "Surveilling Surveillance” shall take...

09.09.2012 / #Media Coverage

From next year we will monitor any proposal of the administration online

The Chairman of the Law and Internet Foundation – Assoc. Prof. Dr. George Dimitrov comments on the development of a module in the e-government web...

20.06.2012 / #Invitations

Call for Papres - the International Data Protection Conference, organised by the CONSENT consortium and Babes-Bolyai University

The International Data Protection Conference, organised by the CONSENT consortium and Babes-Bolyai University will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania...

09.06.2012 / #Media Coverage


Story on E-government in Bulgaria with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitrov, Chairman of Law and Internet Founation.

28.05.2012 / #Expert activities

The Personal Data Protection Commission Celebrated its 10th Anniversary

On the 28th of May 2012 in Sofia hall of Grand Hotel Sofia a conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Personal Data Protection Commission w...

28.05.2012 / #Media Coverage

Law and Internet Foundation - subcontractor of Lot 3 “Implementation of Priority Electronic Administrative Services of the Municipal Administration”

Bulgarian companies chosen in the project “Development of the administrative services by electronic means”.

21.05.2012 / #Invitations

Call for Papers - First Policy Workshop "Surveilling Surveillance" of the SMART Project

The First Policy Workshop of the SMART Project will take place in Florence on 25 and 26 September 2012

25.03.2012 / #Invitations

International Roundtable Bulgarian ICT Watch: “Bulgarian ICT Export – Guarantee for Economic Growth”

On the 30th of March, in hotel Sheraton, Sofia, conference hall “Rila” an International Roundtable Bulgarian ICT Watch: “Bulgarian ICT Export – Guaran...

09.03.2012 / #Invitations

13th Conference “E-Government – From the National E- Governance Towards Cross-Border E-Projects”

The Minister in charge for management of EU funds - Tomislav Donchev opened the 13th conference “E-Government – From the National E- Governance Toward...

07.03.2012 / #Media Coverage

Google track us

Interview with the Chairman of the Law and Internet Foundation – Assoc. Prof. Dr. George Dimitrov on the Google new rules for collection and processio...

05.03.2012 / #Invitations

European E-skills Week

In March the European Е-skills Week 2012 will take place.

27.02.2012 / #Projects

The enrollments for participation in the first event under project "Strengthening the Capacity of the Bulgarian Judiciary in the Enforcement of EC Competition Rules” continue

There are still available seat and requests for participation are being accepted for the first training seminar under the project (“Enforcement of EC...

21.02.2012 / #Projects

Law and Internet Foundation project once again awarded in the newspaper Computerworld competition for IT project of year

Law and Internet Foundation's project “Re-engineering of Business Processes, Development of Internal Rules for Document Flow of Electronic and Paper D...

15.02.2012 / #Expert activities

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) triggered broad and heated discussion and raised the question about the limits of the freedom in Internet

Dr. George Dimitrov, Chairman of the Law and Internet Foundation, and expert with long experience in the field of IT Law and intellectual property on-...

14.02.2012 / #Invitations

The registration for participation in the events under project "Strengthening the Capacity of the Bulgarian Judiciary in the Enforcement of EC Competition Rules” has started

Law and Internet Foundation invites judges from all national courts in Bulgaria to get to know the "Strengthening the Capacity of the Bulgarian Judici...

13.02.2012 / #Media Coverage

Experts: ACTA does not provide for any tracking in the Web

“Violations of the copyrights in the so called “commercial scale” under the terms of ACTA ate criminalized under the Bulgarian legislation as of 1995”...

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