Autonomous Swarm of Heterogeneous resources in infrastructure protection via threat prediction and prevention (TESTUDO)
Projects / Ongoing
Acronym: TESTUDO
Period: 10.2023 - 09.2026
Status: Current
With today's societies confronting harsh political or environmental threats, the protection of critical infrastructure has become a significant challenge in the EU. The TESTUDO project will address these needs by providing innovative solutions for continuous monitoring, prevention and prediction of hazardous events. The project will apply state-of-the-art technologies and AI-based models to enhance cybersecurity, ensure continuous surveillance of the environment and autonomous resource allocation.
- fast and coordinated automated response;
- robust communication networks with highest coverage;
- cognition capabilities for detection of threats;
- increased situational awareness and decision making;
- exploiting novel HMI and XR technologies.
The project will adopt and implement a user-cantered approach for the development of the envisaged system where the consortium’s end-user and relevant stakeholders will be involved in setting up the end-user requirements and during all the development circles and will further validate its performance.
The project duration is 36 months and is coordinated by the Greek Center for Research and Technologies – CERTH. Grant Agreement №101121258.
Consortium & Partnership:
The consortium consists of twenty partners from eleven different EU Member States – Greece, Cyprus, Italy, France, Poland, Spain, Germany, Norway, Lithuania, Bulgaria and the United Kingdom. Participating entities come from both the public and private sectors with the aim of amplifying resilience of existing critical infrastructure.