Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences (Malta)
Partners / Education
Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences was established on January 27, 2011 to replace the Centre for Communication Technology at the University of Malta. This development was instigated by the expertise accumulated within the Centre over the past decade and the knowledge-based societal trends emerging within business and industry. Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences studies the knowledge creation, its accumulation and transfer, and its multiple use in society. The faculty explores cognitive and social science research as theoretical frameworks for communication, as well as different forms of digital media expressions and social structures that make the dissemination of knowledge possible.
- Enhance Digital led InvestigationS, proSecutions and jUdicial resPonses for dismantling Trafficking chains of children (DISRUPT)
- EVIDENCE2e-Codex Linking EVIDENCE into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe (EVIDENCE2e-CODEX)
- Culture And RISk management in Man-made and Natural Disasters (CARISMAND)
- Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing (CITYCoP)
- Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and INternet Governance (MAPPING)