EVIDENCE2e-Codex Linking EVIDENCE into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe (EVIDENCE2e-CODEX)
Projects / Completed
Period: February 2018 – January 2020
Status: Finished
Contacts: Daniela Ilieva
The key element for fostering both cooperation in criminal matters as well as the exchange of electronic evidence is Trust which strongly depends upon awareness. It is to be considered that there is a general need to harmonize and strengthen a common effort in preventing and combatting crimes, by creating a common framework to foster and improve cooperation in exchanging electronic evidence between Member States, also in the European Investigation Order in criminal matters (EIO) and Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) procedures field. In this context, the Evidence2e-CODEX project builds upon two projects - EVIDENCE and e-CODEX. It aims at facilitating the exchange of electronic evidence in the EU framework, making possible a better international cooperation in the criminal sector and taking actions in the specific context of EIO and MLA procedures that will allow a strong uniformity and harmonization relating investigations procedures.
All involved stakeholders are to be properly informed and trained to understand, accept and finally promote the electronic evidence exchange. It is to be pointed out that 6 Ministries of Justice of the EU MS take part in the project, deriving from different law families and really paving the way to rendering the floor ready for the piloting since they will offer the opportunity to deal with the realities, challenges and gaps that concretely need to be bridged for realizing the exchange of electronic evidence in Europe.
The project is implemented with the support of the Justice Programme (2014-2020) of the European Commission under Grant Agreement: 766468.