Martina Bogdanova
Martina Bogdanova has a Master’s degree in Law from Sofia University (LLM, 2020). With profiled studies in human rights, migrant protection and mediation she has continued her professional development in policy making and legal research.
Martina Bogdanova has completed several extracurricular courses on Migrants and Asylum law, Public International Law and Human Rights Protection and had profiled Erasmus+ studies in Florence University in this respect. She has completed an internship at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations where she handled civic society and whistleblowing cases.
Her strong interest in human rights has led her to participate in the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition and consequently being a coach for one of the Bulgarian teams in two consecutive years. She has been a teaching assistant in a summer Public International Law Academy, has organised workshops for moot courts and has been invited on multiple occasions to judge such national competitions. She has been reelected as part of the Board of Directors of the International Moot Courts Competitions’ Association.
Her work experience includes doctrine and case law research, participating in policy making and bill drafting as well as consultancy on national law. Martina speaks fluently English, Italian and French.