Towards thE dataSetS for the European SEcurRty DAta Space for Innovation (TESSERA)
Projects / Ongoing
Acronym: TESSERA
Period: 01.03.2024 - 28.02.2026
Status: Current
The European Security Data Space for Innovation (EU SDSI) has been recognised as the cornerstone for implementing the European Data Strategy in the security domain, aiming at Europe’s data sovereignty, while having as ultimate goal to increase trust in the use of Artificial Intelligence by Law Enforcement. In this context, TESSERA aims to conduct the preparatory work for the creation of high-quality large-scale trusted and shareable datasets based on identified operational use cases, thus supporting the European Security Data Space for Innovation. Particular focus will be given on analyzing and defining the requirements ensuring the interoperability and shareability of heterogeneous datasets, whilst considering their compliance to privacy preservation and protection of fundamental human rights. TESSERA also aims to specify the low-level architecture of the data-related national components of the European Security Data Space, including requirements related to user management, data access, and exchange, whilst also considering their interconnectivity and deployment in the federated architecture of the EU SDSI. To this end, TESSERA will build upon and complement past and ongoing initiatives, including relevant initiatives by EU Agencies (such as Europol and eu-LISA), relevant EU associations (e.g., EACTDA), and EU-funded projects with relevant outcomes (e.g., LAGO, EMPOWER), while also fostering the engagement with and involvement of such stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, TESSERA will organize technical workshops that will facilitate the delivery of a report documenting the outcomes of the project. With a consortium of seven partners, including law enforcement, research and industry partners with strong experience and expertise in the security domain and AI technologies, as well as experts on legal and ethical issues, TESSERA combines a wide expertise and delivers a strong representation of the challenges and requirements to meet its objectives.
The consortium consists of 7 partners from three different EU Member States - Bulgaria, Spain and Greece.
The TESSERA project is coordinated by Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH) аnd is implemented under the European Commission's ISF programme under contract No 101145802.