Period: October 2022 - Sept 2024
Status: Finished


RELEASE focuses on supporting the judiciary (including judges, investigative judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers and other legal practitioners) in the EU Member States, particularly those located in Eastern Europe, to enhance the cooperation between competent authorities on the matter of pre-trial detention and facilitate the establishment of a common approach on the matter in this area. The activities to be conducted under the project will not only result in the identification of best practices and working methods but also facilitate the establishment of mutual trust between the partner Member States.

The project will start by conducting data collection activities with an emphasis on empirical research in order to identify needs and gaps. The next step will be the practical cooperation between the judiciaries which will be done by exchange of good practices and mutual learning activities. These events will be both national workshops and international seminars so that the collaboration between the target groups is supported at different levels. Based on the points above, RELEASE will elaborate a Handbook with good practices and practical alternatives and a Policy Brief. The Policy Brief will aim to increase the awareness amongst policy makers regarding the issues related to pre-trial detention and possible alternatives for resolving them. Both will be presented at the RELEASE conference, which will further support the establishing of effective cooperation between the target groups and will disseminate the results of the project.

Consortium consists of six partners from five different EU Member States (MS) – BG, HR, EL, PL, SK.

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The aim of the newsletter is to inform the relevant stakeholders on the current project updates and to share relevant information. materials and news on the topic of on the topic of pre-trial detention.

The RELEASE project is coordinated by Law and Internet Foundation and is implemented with the support of the Justice Programme (2021-2027) of the European Commission under Grant Agreement № 101090815.
