News / Invitations
23.01.2012 / #Invitations
The Commission for Personal Data Protection celebrates the 28th of January - Data Protection Day and its 10th anniversary.
10.11.2011 / #Invitations
Consortium “Modern Management” announces a competition for a non-key expert “Legal issues related to acquiring funds from Structural and Cohesion Fund...
27.07.2011 / #Invitations
15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research
On 8 and 9 September 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland will be held 15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research.
26.07.2011 / #Invitations
10th Regional Information Security and Storage Forum
On 28 September 2011 in Sheraton Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria will be held 10h Jubilee Edition of Regional Information Security and Storage Forum.
26.07.2011 / #Invitations
7th National e-Education Conference
On 17 November 2011 in Sheraton Hotel Sofia will be held 7th National e-Education Conference.
25.07.2011 / #Invitations
On 26 and 27 October 2011 in Inter Expo Centre Sofia, Bulgaria will be held Webit Congress 2011.
20.07.2011 / #Invitations
2nd International Multi-Conference on Innovation Developments in ICT
From 25 to 27 July 2011 in Sofia, Bulgaria will be held 2nd International Multi-Conference on Innovation Developments in ICT.
06.07.2011 / #Invitations
International Conference on Mobile Learning, E-society & E-Management (ICMLEM 2011)
On 6 and 7 September 2011 at Sheraton Prague Charles Square Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic will be held International Conference on Mobile Learning, E-...
22.06.2011 / #Invitations
International Social Networking Summit under CONSENT project
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Social Networking Summit that is being held in Göttingen, Germany on 5-6 July 2011 or...
12.06.2011 / #Invitations
On 21 and 22 June 2011 in Pravets will be held the First International Seminar on the Working Group “E-Government” – part of the multinational project...
02.06.2011 / #Invitations
On June 15 2011 at 13:00 pm in Sredets Hall, Sheraton Hotel, Sofia will be held the meeting-discussion: "The real instruments of e-Governance - the ro...
01.06.2011 / #Invitations
On 14 June 2011 in Hotel Kempinski, Sofia will be held eAcademy & Friends Forum.
08.05.2011 / #Invitations
Conference "Technologies Strike Back – Virtualsation, Cloud Technologies And Outsourcing"
On 7 June 2011 in Sheraton hotel, Sofia will be held the conference "Technologies Strike Back – Virtualsation, Cloud Technologies And Outsourcing".
05.05.2011 / #Invitations
Conference "ICT for Energy and Utility Business "
On 19 May 2011 in Sheraton Hotel Sofia will be held the 8th forum ICT for Energy and Utility Business.
13.04.2011 / #Invitations
Seminar for the use of new technologies in criminal proceedings
From 26 to 27 May 2011 in Barcelona, Spain, Academy of European law organizes the seminar the Use of New Technologies in Criminal Proceedings "E-evide...
05.04.2011 / #Invitations
9th Eastern European e-Gov Days: e-Government in Times of Economic Challenges
From 10 to 11 May 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia will take place the 9th Eastern European e-Govеrement Days: e-Government in Times of Economic Challenges...
31.03.2011 / #Invitations
The European Future Technologies Conference 2011
From 4 to 6 May in Budapest, Hungary will be held The European Future Technologies Conference 2011.
22.03.2011 / #Invitations
International Workshop From Young Researchers to Future Discoveries
From 19 to 21 September 2011 in Kiten, Bulgaria will be held the International Workshop From Young Researchers to Future Discoveries.
14.03.2011 / #Invitations
8th Regional conference "Telecommunications and medias – technologies and business fusion"
On 24 March in Shetraton Hotel, Sofia will be held 8th Regional conference "Telecommunications and medias – technologies and business fusion".
14.02.2011 / #Invitations
Consortium "Modern Management" announces call for non-key expert "Financial issues associated with the adoption of resources under the SCF" for the ex...

02.01.2025 / #Projects
MaaSAI Project Kicks Off in Thessaloniki: A New Era of Agile Manufacturing Begins