Enhancing PROfessionals' capaciTy to dEal with Child vicTims (E-PROTECT II)
mEntoring prograMme for young People at risk for Labour fOrce entrY (EMPLOY)
Digital Entrepreneurship for Employability Paths (DEEP)
A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains (GUARD)
Tracing Integration Policies through Structured Dialogue (TRAIN)
The added value of Social Entrepreneurship in Youth Work (SEYW)
ICT Enabled Services for Migration (MIICT)
Enhancing the Fair Trial for people suspected or accused of crimes (FAIR)
Draft, revision and adaptation of procedures and documents of Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company
Draft, revision and adaptation of procedures and documents of the Electricity System Operator (ESO)
European youth Network for dIversity and TolerancE (E-UNITE)

02.01.2025 / #Projects
MaaSAI Project Kicks Off in Thessaloniki: A New Era of Agile Manufacturing Begins